Monday, 7 March 2011

Welcome to our Blog!

This blog represents an exciting new step for Marsden Art Group. We want to get our work and ideas 'out there' as much as possible and this foray into the fabulous world of the world wide web is one we have been wanting to take for a while.

Here are a few tantalising pictures of some of our work and artists.


This ceramic work was inspired by the 70's drama series Number 96
MAG exhibition Canberra Potter's Society
Artist A'isha Assou with one of her works

                                                                          'Kitchen Window' by Natalie Hallett                


  1. great work Julie, look forward to comments coming in thick and fast.

  2. Exciting to see you guys move on to the next step - and love the background of the blog Jules. xx to all and look forward to keeping up with your work. Liz

  3. Thanks Julie for creating the blog for us, I feel terribly guilty as I was mean't to, as penance I'm going to get some advertising going through all my connections/ followers.

    I really love the background and think its totally suitable to our electic group.. I am going to add a traffic feed to the site, if people dont like it they can remove.



  4. On the theme for this year's Annual Exhibition: Macquarie Dictionary definitions to jog your creative juices:

    'refuge' 1. Shelter or protection as from the weather or danger. 2. Any place, person, action of thing that offers protection, help or relief.

    'refugium/refugia' (pl). A geographical region that has remained unaltered by a climatic change affecting surrounding regions and that therefore forms a haven for relict fauna and flora.

    Cheers, Ian
